Welcome to Fairytown !
This is my first ever website, and it's still in construction. Excuse the uglyness for now pls ^^'
Disclaimer on everything about me : I'm autistic (and more mental ill lol), so I'm weird, and I'm not a native english (french) so my english is bad sorryyyy
So here's what I'll probably talk about on my website (I didn't link to the page, so sorry if it's weird lol) :
- My drawings
- My life
- Mental health stuff (I am not a professionel AT ALL, I just wanna share my experience and opinion ig?
- The things I like like cartoons, video games, tarot, and moooore !
Btw, I just started learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript, so right now, it's freaking empty, and it'll sadly takes a while to be pretty shiny and all, but maybe (a BIG MAYBE), I'll add stuff and all in that ugly thing anyway. I don't know... Cause it'll maybe make this harder to change later :') (if you wanna help me it's with pleasure !!! just dm me on discord, username below)
:3 My discord : n04h_w31rd0